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WinRAR 6. Autodesk inventor free download full version. Autodesk inventor free download. Standalone license use physical address of network card along with other data. If you disable a network or wifi adapter, the software won't be able to find the license.

Dean, thank you for your reply. I have tried the process monitor but have not been able to discern what is causing it to lock up. Have made a number of inquiry's on subscription and believe it or not was told recently that I could not buy a subscription for as it is not the current version Resellers want ungodly sums of money to support it.

I understand the fees labor is expensive , but just afraid of spending days trying to fix it and not getting anywhere for 3x the cost of the license. Had thought about purchasing a slightly older version in hopes it is not plagued with the same issue but seems older versions are pretty hard to come by noticably absent from ebay.

Hi Edwin, this is a standalone license permanent. I understand that the mac address is probably used and some combination of hardware info to generate key etc. I have not disabled the NIC onboard ethernet simply unplugged the cable.

Determine your timeout interval and record it. Bounce into the registry editor and examine the keys. If you're smart enough, you'll see a value somewhere that correlates to a time interval. You get where I'm going with this exp The bottom line for me is: I just want the ability to meet with a client and perform a design review. Very SAD that there isn't a seamless way to do this given the significant expenditure we made to provide them a schematic in their requested format.

I can use this computer, unfettered by license crap. What does this mean to me? You get the point! We bought this program with the reasonable expectation of functionality in the environment in which we purpose to employ it. Tying me to my wireless server effectively puts me on a leash, and rendered useless for design review activities at remote customer sites.

It is understandable to desire to protect one's intellectual property rights, but there is a point at which YOU, as the provider, need to make a decision as to whether you are doing business with a friend, or a crook.

Please provide me a solution that I may go perform design reviews with my customers.


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